Twitter handles on Commentluv
This is also one of the best ways to find good people to follow on Twitter. This is because many of the blogs in question have Commentluv installed, so commenters can include their Twitter handles. And many of them do.
This is particularly good for someone like me who wants to find tweeps who have blogs about social media. Sure, I can do a search for "blogging" on Twitter and see countless profiles. But just because they are tweeting about blogging, it doesn't mean that they are bloggers. That means a lot of sorting through profiles to find the ones I'm looking for.
Bloggers galore
That's why I believe this comment thread method is actually more effective. A very high proportion of those who comment on blogs about social media are bloggers, after all. (And that's partially why they're commenting -- to get people to click on their URLs.)
If the URL a commenter includes is a blog, then Commentluv automatically lists details of its most recent post. So not only can you tell if it is a blog, but also what it's about. If you like what you see you can click on the Twitter handle listed and follow the person.
Disqus worthwhile too
You can also do the same with blogs that have the Disqus comment system installed. That's because you can actually log in to comment using Twitter, and many people do. Sure, it's not a lot of them, but on a popular blog with heaps of comments, you're bound to find some. So, that's another reason to keep an eye out for blogs using that particular system.