And just as they are very engaged, they are also very loyal. Quite a few of them keep coming back and commenting regularly. So of course I've got to keep them happy by acknowledging their input, showing that I appreciate it.
This can be tricky sometimes because of course I don't agree with everything they say. And they can be offensive at ties. For example, this page is critical of political correctness, including false accusations of racism. But I'm certainly not advocating real racism! On the contrary, I find it utterly abhorrent.
But every now and then one of the page's fans will say something that is in itself borderline racist! Thankfully, they haven't gone over the line, requiring me to delete the comment. But they do occasionally write things that make me roll my eyes.
Hard to know what to do when situations like this arise. I don't want to scare them away. But then I don't want them to keep pushing the envelope and end up posting vile stuff that basically abuses my effort in creating and updating the page, either.
Anyway, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. If it happens again I might add a post asking people to restrain themselves a bit ...
In any case I'm glad I've got this page going and building a bit of momentum. It's taught me heaps apart for anything else.
The best way I've found to get new likes for it is to log in as my page and then contribute to other popular pages in my niche. As long as I keep commenting thoughtfully on their updates and liking them from time to time I find the new likes for my page trickle in.
I think repetition and consistency are crucial here. The trick is in constantly appearing in front of that audience. And you must always add value. After a while that page's fans start to think, oh there's that guy again. They read your comments and if they're consistently interesting then they'll keep an eye out for you. Sooner or later some of them look at your page and a certain proportion are sure to end up liking it.
So, you've really got to see this as a long term activity and just keep at it. This goes for Facebook pages in all niches of course ... I think the mistake a lot of people make is they go hammer and tongs at it for a few days and get nothing. They decide that maintaining a Facebook page is just not worth the effort and give up entirely.