Here's a method that I use to develop and complete evergreen blog content (as opposed to topical stuff, for which I use a different approach I won't go into here). You may find it useful.
Get some thoughts and ideas on screen
Basically whenever I can I log into my account and throw down my ideas as quickly as possible. I don't try to get it all to make sense straightaway. For each individual post, I just want to record a few points that are loosely connected by a theme.
Once I've got about three hundred words in draft form that's usually enough. I feel like I've actually done something. Then I go and do something else. I find getting as far away as possible from the computer really helps a lot.
Take a break
Walking is ideal for this. I advertise various products and services using local flyer distribution. So walking for me is not only a pleasant diversion -- it also makes me a bit of extra money. When I'm strolling through the suburbs I make a point of not thinking about blog posts I've got in draft. But I'll often think of new ones while I'm out in the fresh air and throw those down in draft form when I'm next at the PC.
Then I'll go and do something else again ...
Return with a different view
When I log back into my dashboard I see several drafts up there. It's a good idea to give it a bit of time before looking at them, because then I come back at them from a different angle. Seeing them again stimulates other thoughts that I can add to them.
I'll add a few of these thoughts to a post or two. Sometimes I'll go right through with the process and just complete a blog post entirely, then publish it. But often I'll just add to what's already there and leave that in draft form as well.
I like this method because it's much easier to rewrite and edit something than starting from scratch -- which can be a bit daunting. If you have numerous blog posts that are lined up and half finished then you can crank them out at a fast rate. That can give you a real feeling of momentum. It can also lead to more comprehensive and interesting posts because you've let the thoughts mature in your subconscious, rather than just recording them when they first came into your head.
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