Pictures can be packed with facts
At first I was reticent about this medium. But now I'm enthusiastic about it. The infographic is such a good way to convey information.
I's easier and quicker to look at a pretty visualization than it is to read a detailed 2000 word article, after all. Not only can you absorb them quickly, finding then sharing them on other sites can be swiftly accomplished too. Other users tend to like this "eye candy" so they often get retweeted, etc.
Tweeps and Facebook friends love images
The other advantage: When you share an infographic that you've pinned, you're promoting your Pinterest account as well. A certain proportion of those tweeps and Facebookers will themselves be pinners, some of whom will follow one or more of your boards. You're keeping them "on your turf" -- as opposed to just sending them to someone else's blog or website. In this way infographics are not just great for learning, they also help you promote your other social media accounts.